The Fields
Home |Positive amenity to the existing urban community

THE FIELDS is a 22 lot subdivision which borders an established residential area. The inclusion of a lovely park with children’s play equipment and ecological wetlands provides further positive amenity to the existing urban community.
The entire estate was developed and sold in 2005.

About Caboolture
Caboolture an urban centre or satellite city approximately 44 kilometres north of Brisbane. Caboolture is considered to be the northernmost urban area of the greater Brisbane metropolitan region within South East Queensland, and it marks the end of the Brisbane suburban commuter railway service along the North Coast railway line. As at 30 June 2010, Caboolture had an estimated population of 46,882 (ABS 31 March 2011). It hosts an annual country music festival and a ute muster each year, called the Urban Country Music Festival, it is also home to Farm Fantastic Expo Queensland’s largest outdoor Rural, Retail, Home & Lifestyle Retail Trade Expo, and the Abbey Medieval Festival reportedly the largest medieval re-enactment event in Australia.
Close to beaches, rivers, bays and mountains Caboolture has a wide array of lifestyle activities for the whole family.